Thursday 30 June 2016

Sneak Peek!!!

We're not just working on our 'All Things Weird and Wonderful' animal collection, oh no, we have also started designing some mini kits.

So, where do we start when we are thinking of designing a new collection? Well this time we were inspired by yarn! Hannah had previously used Scheepjes Catona cotton yarn for some small amigurumi projects. She found it easy to work with, making crisp stitches, ideal for amigurumi. After a little online research we found that the yarn is available in a large selection of beautiful colours. Then to make it even better all these amazing shades are available in teeny tiny, cute 25g balls. This was the perfect opportunity to have a play.
These are the colours we chose (to add to Hannah's stash!)

Now we had the colours, what to do with them? Time for some ideas....
Whenever we make a kit it's usually something that we love, makes us laugh or is just a little bit different! That's how these little fellas came alive. Mushrooms, that's what we decided upon, but not any old mushrooms, fungi, Fun-Guys!

Well, we knew we wanted to use lots of colour so it couldn't just be a little old button mushroom that we used for inspiration. Time for more research, good ol' Pinterest here we come.

Australian Fungi: Hygrocybe punicea, sometimes called Crimson or Scarlet Waxy Cap, is a colourful member of the genus Hygrocybe, the waxcaps, found across Northern Europe. It's the largest member of the genus, w an initially bell-shaped, and later flattening. The spore print is white. The ringless stipe is up 5–9 cm high and 2 cm wide, red w a paler yellow or whitish base. The flesh is whitish. It has a wide distribution in grasslands across Laos, and in woodland in North America.: Mycology: blue mushrooms:

Ok, now we had a few ideas of what nature had created out there, it was time to put our own spin on them. The bright pink one took my (Hannah's) eye straight away. I grabbed a ball of the pink Catona and made a start. I had a good idea of the shape I wanted to created, so I just went for it.
When I'm writing patterns I like to just do it. A pad of paper, a pen and a crochet hook and off I go. Each time I do a round of stitches it gets written down and if a row of stitches gets pulled out then it's scribbled out on the paper.

A few more colours, a few more stitches and a few more scribblings and I had my first little Fun-guy! (Although I think she's more of a Fun-Gal)

She still needed a little mouth sewing on to bring her to life but I was happy with the pattern and what I had created. Naturally the next step was to make another!
Same designing process but different colours and a different style this time.

I went for blue and I wanted to create a taller, skinnier mushroom. I started with the stalk and worked my way up. Here's what I came up with.

Ok, just one more...
Green, short and squat was the aim. Yarn chosen, hook at the ready,

And here he is...

So there we go, one evening of playing about with some lovely bright coloured yarn and we have ended up with these three.

Our plan is to get these patterns tested then work on turning them into kits. Like our larger kits they will include full instructions, all the yarn you need, stuffing, safety eyes and a hand designed stitch marker. 

We would love to know what you guys think about these little dudes and if you have any ideas for any other designs. 

Hook happy,
Hannah and Cara

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